Hydrotherapy Home Remedies for Fever

Hydrotherapy Home Remedies for Fever

When an adult is struck down with fever, we make our way through the misery. When a child runs a temp that just doesn't come down (or keeps rising), you want to have every reasonable remedy at the ready to help make the child comfortable. The hydrotherapy remedies described below are also suitable for adults but our focus is on children.
"Magic" Socks at First Signs of a Fever
Typically done at night before sleep, this therapy can really boost immune function. Wet a pair of thin cotton socks and wring out well. Put on wet socks and cover with a thick pair of wool socks. Snuggle up in bed and allow the body to dry the socks through the night. This can also be done during the day as long as the person is lying down and resting until the socks have thoroughly dried.
Cold "Magic" Towel Remedy to Reduce Mild Fever (99-102 degrees)   
Place a cold, well-wrung out towel on the abdomen and cover it with a wool blanket. Leave it in place for 20 minutes as the body warms up the towel. This will reduce temperature by one degree or return to normal temperature if the body is ready. If fever is 102-103 degrees, this method can still be beneficial or try the remedy below.

Spanish Mantel (or Magic Carpet) Remedy for Fever over 103 degrees
Since the fever is higher and the child's discomfort is greater, a full body wrap is used. Wet a sheet in cold water, wring it out well, and wrap it around the body; then, cover in a wool blanket. This will bring the fever down by two degrees or the fever will break.
Important Tips
When fever is over 99 degrees, the child must be on a liquid fast, drinking clear broth, homemade electrolyte replacement drinks, water or sucking on ice cubes. Food requires digestion which generates heat that causes temp to rise. The body doesn't use resources for digestion when fighting a fever so either your youngster will wind up nauseated as food sits in the gut or the fever will persist much longer than if fasting.

The liquid fast should continue until the temp stays below 99 for at least six hours. With very high fevers, this could take a few days. At this time, introduce homemade vegetable soup or other foods suggested to you by your holistic practitioner.

The child may lose a pound or two, but once free of fever and return of appetite, they will regain that weight.
Seek emergency care immediately if you are unable to manage the fever, if an infant has persistently dry diapers, or if a child becomes lethargic or unresponsive. Never hesitate to get help.

Medicine Talk Professional, Vital Conversations with Letitia Dick Kronenberg, N.D.

Mooventhan, A and L Nivethitha. "Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body"  North American journal of medical sciences vol. 6,5 (2014): 199-209. Accessed 18 Dec 2018:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4049052/

Lindlahr, H., & Lindlahr, V. H. (1931). The practice of nature cure. New York city: The Nature cure library, Inc.
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